小强英语 第97期:"校训"用英语怎么说?

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校训------School motto

大家好,欢迎来到小强英语!近日,央视搞起了校训连展,从南开,复旦,清华,南京,中大,每个学校都以各自的校训展示着其独特的精神面貌。今天,我们就来学习一下“校训”用英语怎么说:school motto, a motto is a short sentence or phrase that expresses a rule for sensible behaviour, especially a way of behaving in a particular situation, 即格言,箴言。我们来看一下例句:

A motto is the spirit of a school and reflects the ideals of school.

The school motto of Sun Yat-sen University is to study extensively, inquire accurately, reflect carefully, discriminate clearly, and practice earnestly.

小强英语 第97期:"校训"用英语怎么说?

校训是学校的灵魂,它激励和劝勉了莘莘学子们努力学习,不断进取,我们都应该将我们的school motto铭记于心,努力去实践它,必定能受益无穷。好了,本期的节目就是这样,我们下期再见!与小强互动,请上新浪微博@小强英语。
