看青春美剧Glee1.18学英语 咽喉炎无语中

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看青春美剧Glee1.18学英语 咽喉炎无语中

It was nothing-- they maimed me over a freaking freckle! 
over sth. 为了某事物

- I feel like that guy that lost all his hair, then lost all his strength. 
- Samson?
- Agassi.
Samson参孙是圣经士师记中的一位犹太人士师,生于前11世纪的以色列,玛挪亚的儿子。参孙以藉著上帝所赐极大的力气,徒手击杀雄狮并只身与以色列的外敌非利士人争战周旋而著名。与妓女和坏女子大利拉(Delilah)交往,不能抵挡女色的诱惑和缠累泄露了超人力气的来源和秘密 ,就是如果剪掉他的头发他就会手无缚鸡之力。

You're like a toddler with a loose lid on his sippy cup.
sippy cup 奶嘴瓶子
Here are the glee club members who are not pulling their weight. 
pull one's weight 做好分内的事儿 do one's share in a common task

I need to spice up my image a little. We should join forces. 
spice up 使某人或某物更有趣有滋味 make more interesting or flavorful
join forces 齐心合力 work together on a common enterprise of project
这边两个都是习语,而spice本意是热辣……spice Girls嘛,辣妹组合大家都认识。spice up不是热起来的意思哦,而是更有趣,更好玩。

I'm easy on the eyes. 
easy on the eyes 悦目的,好看的

You knock them up, and then you hang them out to dry.
knock up 让某人怀孕
hang out to dry 晾在一边

knock up是个俚语的说法,而hang out to dry特指落井下石,在别人有困难的时候置之不理。

You and I would not work out. We have nothing in common. You're Top 40. I'm rhythm and blues. 
work out 成功
in common 共同的

Top 40是指乐坛最红最流行的歌曲,而rhythm and blues就是我们熟知R&B。

I have exactly the same vocal range as 16th century castrato Orlando di Lasso. 
Orlando di Lasso是指文艺复兴时期的第三代作曲家奥兰多.迪.拉索,是当时最具创造性、最多才多艺的音乐家之一。

Girl, you got more curves than a Nissan ad. 

So you like show tunes! 
show tunes 舞台剧音乐,剧集音乐
特指音乐剧里头的曲目,这句话so you ...!句式表示“你喜欢音乐剧曲目又怎样!”

When are you gonna realize that he's not into you like I am? 
be into sb. 喜欢某人
那本畅销书就叫做He's not that into you

Just go for it, Puck. 
go for it 放手一试吧!

But you do realize he's using you and your popularity so he won't get tossed in a Dumpster. 
toss in 扔进
Dumpster 垃圾箱

这边toss in除了扔进去的意思之外,还能表示插嘴。

I'm such a steaming mug of hot chocolate that one of the studliest guys in school wants to use me to harvest some mojo. 
mojo 魔力,魅力

I thought you were capital-G Gay. 
capital 大写的

I am like Tinkerbell, Finn. I need applause to live. 

Talk to the stick figure. 
stick figure 火柴人,简笔画小人

We're at the top of the heap. 
top of the heap 高高在上 a position superior to everyone else

once I told him how bent out of shape I thought you were. 
bent out of shape 情绪低落
